Training and development providers for staff

Centre for Teaching and Learning

The CTL team offers a range of programmes and courses, including accredited programmes in teaching and learning in Higher Education, training with digital tools, and online courses, to support all those who teach at the University.

Find out more on the Centre for Teaching and Learning website

Finance Training team

Book mandatory training required for systems access, but also additional finance training to enhance your skills and make your day to day decision making and financial activities clearer.

See list of Finance training courses

HR Systems Support

Receive training in the use of the University’s HR system.

Read more about HR systems training


Medical Sciences Division Skills Training

Offers transferable and research skills courses for MSD postgraduate research students and early career researchers to enhance their communication, research and teaching skills.

Find a Medical Sciences skills course


Research Services

Choose from a range of in-person and online training for research administrators and researchers.

Find out more about Research Services training



Department for Continuing Education

Choose from a wide variety of courses, including weekly and online classes, undergraduate and postgraduate level qualifications, and short courses for professionals.  

Browse ContEd courses



Develop your skills and confidence in applying Continuous Improvement techniques in your daily working life through six eLearning modules.

Explore the Focus eLearning Pathway


Digital Capabilities (IT Services)

Find courses and workshops in IT skills and related topics, both classroom-based and online, open to all members of the University. 

Find an IT skills course


MPLS - Career Development and Training

The Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Division (MPLS) provides training and other resources to support DPhil students and research staff in carrying out their research and developing and progressing their careers.

Find a MPLS course

Safety Office

The team offers a range of courses to employees and Safety Officers to help them manage work-related hazards at the University.

Visit the Safety Office website

Equality and Diversity Unit

Get equality and diversity related training, both face to face and online, including race awareness, challenging bullying and harassment and bystander intervention.

Find out more about Equality and Diversity training


Graduate Admissions Office

Complete online guidance – including the legal framework – for administrators and assessors involved in graduate admissions (access restricted).

Gain access via the Graduate Admissions handbook


Language Centre

The University’s hub for all students and staff who want to improve their language skills – offering 11 modern languages and Academic English, from short courses to in-depth programmes.

Learn a language


People and Organisational Development team

Face to face and online learning on leadership and management and personal effectiveness for all staff in the University.

Visit the People and Organisational Development website


Student Systems Training

The Student Systems Support Centre (SSSC) provides eVision and other student systems training to staff. 

See what Student Systems courses are available

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